Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions 2012

I decided to start blogging again, and that required a new blog! Because, well...I'm a little embarrassed to still have a livejournal account. I decided to keep the same blog title at least, since my love of the Wizard of Oz will never die (my mom even got me ruby slippers for Christmas!) and I can't think of another title. There was almost a disaster when I couldn't find a url I liked that wasn't already taken, but Jeff (my fiance) stepped in to save the day by suggesting Marvejandro, a nickname for one of our cats.

So, onward to the resolutions! I hadn't really thought about even making resolutions for this year until today, since mine are always vague and I never keep them. But then I thought...why not. I'll make some, try to make them more focused, maybe I'll even stick to them!

1. Be more social. I still don't really know many people here - I never realized how hard it was to make friends when you aren't starting school with everybody else, or starting a new job like in TFA. While I'm not the best at socializing, I think I can make this one happen. Jeff and I got a bunch of board games for Christmas, half of which require more than two people to play, so I think we'll start having game nights every now and then. Maybe I'll even invite some people from work!

2. Work out more. This one will probably remain pretty vague. I don't want to set a days per week criteria because I mess up one week and get discouraged and never go back. It's kind of silly but I think I might start a money reward system. I'm thinking a dollar per half hour workout or something like that. I'm always so tempted to shop around after work, this way I'll only be able to spend a limited amount of money, and if there's something I really want I will theoretically have to work out more in order to get it. We'll see how it goes.

3. Blog more. I've tried to blog off and on for a while now. After reading a bunch of blogs, I think I finally figured out what I was doing wrong...instead of posting about my day, week, etc. I need to come up with more focused posts. Instead of a re-cap I need to write about a book I recently read and enjoyed, a project I finished, or something funny the cats did.

4. Go back to school. I really want to go to school for speech pathology. Lucky for me the university here has a great program! I can't apply for the masters program yet since an undergrad degree in speech and communication disorders is required. Instead I need to do lateral entry, meaning I take the undergrad classes I need as a "non-degree seeking student" and apply for the masters program through that. I've been putting of setting up a meeting and registering for classes because that's just what I do! I'm setting a goal for myself to start classes over the summer. That means I need to meet with an adviser and register for classes this semester. No time to waste!

5. Get married! hehe

And now the more vague, general ones I probably make every year:

6. Read more

7. Knit more

8. Take more pictures (hint hint, I really want that camera we put on the wedding registry!)

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