Friday, January 13, 2012

Trying to cook...

So, I'm not really much of a cook. I love baking, but cooking has just never really interested me. Of course, that's never stopped me from buying cook books! I don't have that many, but I do have a few that I've collected over the years, and Jeff's grandma gave us a cookbook of family recipes for Christmas.

I've decided I'm going to start cooking my way through all my cookbooks. I don't want to go too crazy and say I'll do a recipe a day, or even a recipe a week. But I think I'm going to just pick a book start with and work my way through each recipe. I will most likely have to skip some given that we don't have most of the more specialized/unusual cookware, but I'll do what I can.

My first book is Hungry Girl by Lisa Lillien. The recipes in this book are mostly single serving and are all low-cal, low-fat. I've made a few things from this book and they were delicious, so I'm excited to try out the rest. I'm going to try and stick with the ingredients listed (yes, even American cheese) since the whole point of the book is to reduce the amount of calories/fat, but I'm sure I'll end up making some substitutions based on what's available at the grocery store here.

We're going to the store this weekend, so I'll hopefully be trying out the first recipe in a few days!

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